Latest News from Google

Google is now offering Instant Pages, which download pages before users click to offer instant access to information. This feature rewards marketers for top SEO rankings, as it only pre-loads the top result.

The company also announced Voice Search and Search by Image for desktop users. Marketers might want to consider how these new features may change the way consumers search the web and plan SEO accordingly. They make it easier for consumers to enter longtail or complicated queries.

Another feature launched at the event that will make it easier to search for complex phrases is Google’s build-a-query tool for Android and iPhone users. In fact, the company unveiled a number of mobile search tools, catering to the idea that mobile search never stops because people can always easily access their devices.

Google wasn’t the only search engine getting in the mobile game this week. Yahoo unveiled a new App Search feature to help users find the apps that will be most relevant to them. Mobile marketers with branded apps may like this development, and all mobile marketers should take it as a sign of the growth of mobile internet access.
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